Expert crew

Complex equipment and responsibility for valuable goods. Logistics is a job for professionals.

Our clients and partners entrust us with service and transport of containers. They require competences confirmed by a vast number of certificates. We also undergo regular shipowners’ audits and daily KPI (Key Performance Indicators) check-ups.

The Balticon team is distinguished by knowledge and experience. Every day we develop our competences by working at depots close to containers and trucks. We regularly undergo trainings.


Set your course for development

Containers have revolutionised the trade. The last four decades have been a period of continuous development. We are a part of it.

We provide space for development of onshore containerization. We build infrastructure, a fleet of trucks, create IT solutions and manufacture containers.

We consistently invest the profits in development.


More than 30 years ago, several visionaries started believing in the potential of containers …

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Balticon in figures






rented containers


TEU (twenty foot equivalent unit) of space in depots

See what we offer



Sale of containers

Rental of containers


Container modifications

Check out our online container store

See the assortment of the on-line container store. Containers are a great way to create a warehouse, office, retail outlet or a small home.

We will deliver the finished product to any address in Poland and Europe.


Carrier, come with us!

Discover the advantages of our affiliate program. Collaborate with the best in your industry.


Work for Balticon!

Do you want to work with the best ones in your industry? Or perhaps you are looking for new challenges and constant development? Develop your skills and increase your competences with Balticon. Join our team!

Contact us.
We are happy to answer your questions!

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